MellowBusiness system for ordering company materials

What is MellowBusiness?

The MellowBusiness system is an innovative B2B platform that allows you to easily and quickly order printed materials for your company. Thanks to its advanced functions, MellowBusiness provides comprehensive support in the process of generating, ordering and managing marketing materials. In addition, the system offers reporting, order history and the ability to order from multiple branches to one basket.

Full Autonomy
Each company has an "Individual Panel" in our system with its own products with fixed parameters.
Project generation
Employees can complete the template with their own data in predetermined places.
Central management
Manager, can change the parameters and size of the order and finalize the order.
Full automation
Orders go directly to production, which minimizes the time of their implementation


  • Generating content on materials (text lines, logos, QR codes)
  • Unlimited number of templates
  • Minimizing costs by combining orders
  • Full administration and order control
  • Cost affiliation control
  • Order analysis in Excel or CSV
  • Adding and editing branch or MPK product names
  • Placing orders for reprints from the warehouse
  • Generating reports broken down by products, facilities, etc.

Do you have questions about your project?

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